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61 Km
Generado el 3/6/2025 a las 4:47 PM
35% of the 9,185 Sierra Nevada followers on social networks who took part in the survey chose Alhambra as the name to replace the old Veleta II, an old fixed clamp chairlift with three seats per chair, which this preseason is being replaced by a 6-seater detachable chairlift.
Voting took place over the course of a week in an open poll on the social networks of the Granada winter resort.
The followers had to choose between the four options previously selected by the resort's employees from among a dozen names referring to peaks, lakes and places in the Sierra Nevada national park, and monuments or historical names in Granada.
The lift chosen for the name change was the Veleta II, in order to avoid redundancies - and some confusion - with the Veleta chairlift, located right next to it in the Borreguiles area.
Thus, the old Veleta II, in addition to becoming a six-seater detachable lift with fewer pylons, greater capacity and speed, will shorten its route by 455 metres in order to, in connection with the Emile Allais chairlift, provide a better distribution of beginner skiers in the Borreguiles area.