



Veleta Borreguiles Pradollano
Temp. 0 2 5
Visib. Parcial Parcial Parcial
Veloc. 50 40 10

Previsión de apertura



61 Km

Previsión de apertura para el día 7 de Marzo si las condiciones meteorológicas lo permiten.. - Esquíe con precaución. Escasez de nieve en algunas zonas. - Debido a las condiciones de nieve, el esquí de montaña no está permitido en la pista de El Río.

Estado de Pistas




61 Km



Generado el 3/6/2025 a las 4:47 PM

Tips 3 December 2020

Continental Tires leaves you 5 tips for driving on snow

Continental Tires leaves you 5 tips for driving on snow

Winter's here! And with it, Continental Tires leaves you with 5 tips for driving on snow.

If as we are looking forward to enjoying the ski season, you should keep in mind that safety always comes first. Are you ready to drive on snow? Here are some tips for driving on snow that can be very useful to you. Notes!

  1. Take care of your car... more than ever! In winter it is more important than ever to check and care for your vehicle, complying with the maintenance recommended by its manufacturer. And yes, your tires also play a key role in safety, even more so now that temperatures are below 7oC. So remember to check its status and pressures, and even check out Continental's WinterContact range to forget about putting chains on.
  2. Equip yourself well before you go out. Try to plan the trip as much as possible before leaving home: review the information offered by the DGT about the traffic situation, try to carry the full tank, water, blankets... and chains. Or if you want to avoid the latter, don't forget to equip your vehicle with the latest German technology that Continental applies to winter tyres.
  3. Warm clothes, better out. Driving too warmly limits your ability to move, and it can make a difference when it comes to acting in the face of a situation of danger. The less clothes you have behind the wheel, the better you can handle it, so make the most of your car's air conditioning system 😉
  4. Drive smoothly. In low adhesion conditions it is easier for the vehicle to stop responding to the driver's orders, especially if they are rough and exceed the capacity of the track to grip by water, snow or mud. Try to gently move the steering wheel and not hit the throttle and brake pedals smoothly, always using the longest possible ride. And remember, the rush is the worst travel companion.
  5. Get out of the way. Even if your vehicle is equipped with the latest technology, the main factor of driving on snow is yourself and your relationship with the roadway and the rest of the drivers around you: avoid driving too fast and anticipate more than ever the maneuvers that other users can perform around you. Smoothness and concentration will be your main allies.


And remember, if you want to travel quietly, trust Continental Tires. Enjoy Sierra Nevada, and driving in winter!


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