


Veleta Borreguiles Pradollano
Temp. 15 18 22
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Veloc. 35 30 15

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Generado el 8/25/2024 a las 6:12 PM

Alpine children's garden

The Alpine Garden is the ideal place for children to take their first steps in the snow and start in a safe and fun way in the sport of skiing, in an environment of games, fun and happiness. FACILITIES Our facilities are fully adapted to offer the greatest safety, enjoyment and comfort of the little ones. The enclosure has an enclosed area with three mechanical carpets for the exclusive use of children who are in the Alpine Garden. In addition, it has a cabin equipped with reception area, games and entertainment room, rest room for the little ones, dining area and bathrooms. In the 3 programs, planning is carried out adapted to the age, level and characteristics of each group of children, with personalized attention. The work system is through stations in which we have all the resources to motivate learning in children and, through games and a lot of fun, stimulate development, coordination capacity and balance; which is one of the most important challenges in skiing. LOCATION Initiation zone of Borreguiles. Next to Alfombra Borreguiles Managed by CEROGRADOS


Se realizan actividades de esquí, combinado con actividades lúdicas y recreativas, para conseguir una mayor motivación y atención en los niños.
Se ofrece servicio de comedor para aquellos niños que contraten el programa de día completo.
Os garantizamos la seguridad, diversión y aprendizaje de la mano del mejor equipo de profesionales especializados.
Sabemos que nos dejáis a lo mas preciado que tenéis, por ello, os proponemos que nos llaméis para asesoraros en todas aquellas dudas que tengáis y planificar todo hasta el mínimo detalle. Queremos que cada niño viva una experiencia inolvidable en su inicio en el esquí y se lleve el mejor recuerdo.


- Programa valido para niños de 3 años (sin pañales) a 12 años.
- Para acceder al jardín alpino es necesario adquirir el forfait de acceso al telecabina.
- El alumno deberá presentarse a la hora indicada para recibir el servicio. La llegada tarde forma parte de la clase. En caso de no presentación, no tendrán derecho a devolución.
- El material necesario para el jardín alpino es: gafas de sol o de ventisca, guantes, gorro, abrigo y crema protectora. 
- Los niños que vayan a esquiar deberán traer esquís, botas y casco. 
- El uso del casco es obligatorio para la practica del esquí.
- Todo el material que traiga el niño deberá estar marcado e identificado con su nombre. En caso de perdida, la empresa no será responsable. 
- No se admiten niños con enfermedades, en estado febril o que haya que administrarle cualquier medicamento.
- La actividad de esquí está sujeta a las condiciones del tiempo, la misma no es obligatoria en caso de mal tiempo y queda a criterio de la dirección la decisión de llevarla a cabo o desarrollar actividades lúdicas dentro de la cabaña.
- En caso de cierre de estación las actividades se llevarán a cabo en las instalaciones de Family kids en Pradollano. No se realizan devoluciones por mal tiempo o cierre de estación.
- El servicio de comedor solo es valido para el programa de día completo y cada niño deberá llevar su comida (que no requiera ser calentada).


- Hasta 72 horas antes de la llegada se procederá a la devolución del 100% del importe.
- Las cancelaciones con menos de 72 horas, se entregará un voucher para hacer uso del servicio en otra fecha.

Antes del ingreso del niño se deberá rellenar el formulario digital con los datos del niño y llevar el resguardo de dicho formulario que le será solicitado al ingresar el niño al jardín.





- Program valid for children from 3 years old (without diapers) to 12 years old.
- To access the alpine garden it is necessary to purchase the ski pass to access the gondola lift, not included in the alpine garden service.
- The student must appear at the indicated time to receive the service. Late arrival is part of the class. In case of no-show, they will not be entitled to a refund.
- The necessary material for the alpine garden is: sunglasses or blizzard, gloves, hat, coat and protective cream.
- Children who are going to ski must bring skis, boots and helmet.
- The use of the helmet is mandatory.
- All material brought by the child must be marked and identified with his name. In case of loss, the company will not be liable.
- Children with illnesses, in a febrile state or who have to be administered any medication are not allowed.
- The ski activity is subject to weather conditions, it is not mandatory in case of bad weather and it is at the discretion of the management the decision to carry it out or develop recreational activities within the cabin.
- In case of closure of the station, the activities will be carried out at the Family Kids facilities in Pradollano. No refunds are made due to bad weather or station closure.
- Initiation groups every day of the week.
- Food service is offered, only valid for the full day program.

- Cancellations:
o Up to 72 hours before arrival will proceed to the refund of 100% of the amount.
o Cancellations with less than 72 hours, a voucher will be given to make use of the service on another date.
- Before the entry of the child, the digital form must be completed with the child's data and carry the receipt of said form that will be requested when the child enters the garden.



958 48 10 68


Borreguiles area. Next to Alfombra Borreguiles


CEROGRADOS Jardín Alpino is a snow garden service with a ski initiation program for children from 3 years old (without diapers) to 12 years old, in which 3 options are offered:

Full Day from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Half day in the morning from 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Afternoon noon from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.


Ski activities are carried out, combined with recreational activities, to achieve greater motivation and attention in children.
In addition, training and education is provided to children in all the most important aspects of the mountain, snow and skiing to train great skiers committed to the mountain, the environment and respect for the rest of skiers.
Dining service is offered for those children who hire the full-day program.
We guarantee safety, fun and learning from the hand of the best team of specialized professionals.
We know that you leave us to the most precious thing you have, therefore, we propose that you call us to advise you on all those doubts you have and plan everything down to the smallest detail. We want each child to live an unforgettable experience at the beginning of skiing and take the best memory.



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