



Veleta Borreguiles Pradollano
Temp. 0 2 5
Visib. Parcial Parcial Parcial
Veloc. 50 40 10

Previsión de apertura



61 Km

Previsión de apertura para el día 7 de Marzo si las condiciones meteorológicas lo permiten.. - Esquíe con precaución. Escasez de nieve en algunas zonas. - Debido a las condiciones de nieve, el esquí de montaña no está permitido en la pista de El Río.

Estado de Pistas




61 Km



Generado el 3/6/2025 a las 4:47 PM

Rules for the use of facilities

FIS Standards - Atudem For station users, whose objective is to avoid accidents.

  1. The use of the facilities by persons outside the service of the facilities must be, except in cases of force majeure, exclusively for sporting or tourist uses.
  2. The user must know the particular conditions and rules of use of each installation and, according to them, must appreciate their own fitness for the use of them. The use of the facilities will not be permitted to persons intoxicated or who, for other reasons and well-founded reasons, may suffer or cause any type of accident.
  3. Any informational or warning signal must be respected, as its purpose is to offer a better service and, above all, greater security. The beacons of the station, closed tracks, danger, cut area, etc. must also be respected, whether they are by signs or by nets or laces.
    Especially respected should be the zones for debutantes, in terms of speed and skiing mode.
  4. For reasons of civics and safety, the strict order of arrival in the use of the facilities must be respected. The waiting area will be conveniently marked and ready for use. The staff of the operator of the ski lifts and inspection, in possession of the documentation attesting to their position, shall take precedence in the use of the facilities. Teachers of the Ski Schools may also take precedence in the exercise of their duties, accompanied by a limited number of students, with the conditions proposed jointly by them and the concessionaire and approved by the Provincial Delegation of the Ministry of Tourism, Trade and Transport of Granada.
  5. The staff of the operating company, as well as that of the schools previously evaded, shall be properly trained, uniformed and identified.
    Your orders or suggestions should be taken care of especially in case of danger or emergency, since their fundamental objectives are safety and service to the user.
  6. The staff of the operating company may require, where there are queues of users, that the different ski lifts go with all their seats covered, in order to prevent the increase in waiting times.
  7. The purchase of a "ski pass" entitles the use of all facilities and tracks open to the use of the public. The "ski pass" is non-transferable, its loss or loss cannot be held responsible to the station.
  8. The traveller who uses an installation without being provided with the corresponding ticket shall be made available to the competent authority which shall fix, after appropriate legal procedures, the appropriate penalties.
  9. If, during the operation of the station, for security or other reasons justified reasons, the station is obliged to close to the public facilities and tracks, this does not necessarily require the refund of the amount of the "ski pass".
  10. There will be a book of claims for each type of installation that will be found in the central units of the station, available to users and whose existence will be announced by a label that will indicate it, located well visible in the lockers. Complaints made shall be transferred by the operating undertaking to the inspection services, in accordance with the time limits and requirements laid down by regulation.
  11. Failure to comply with these Rules, irrespective of the application of the sanctions provided for in their case by the Act, shall empower the staff of the operating company to prohibit the use of the facilities, where appropriate and as a safety measure. This Resolution shall enter into force on the day of its publication in the Official Gazette of the Junta de Andalucía. Seville, 17 December 1984.
    The Director General of Transport, Antonio Peláez Toré. (B.O.J.A.)


The adoption by ATUDEM in 1994 of the Rules of Procedure for the Operation of Spanish Alpine Ski Resorts, as an exponent of the consensus of the ski resorts to provide a self-regulation that alleviates the situation of legal uncertainty in which its action unfolded, was a milestone in the regulation of these, given the abandonment that this important tourism sector has been subjected by the Spanish legislature.

The validity of the 1994 Regulations as a source of rights and obligations for ski resorts and their skiers has been recognized over the years by the Spanish courts of justice.
The Regulation was first updated in 2003 to respond to the update of the FIS Standards in 2002 and the evolution of skiers' practices, but this development has continued in such a way as to necessitate a further revision.

The operating companies of the Spanish ski resorts are companies transporting cable travelers, and as such subject to European, Spanish and, where appropriate, autonomous cable passenger transport legislation, as well as the operators of other cable transport facilities existing in Spain, both in cities and in the mountains...

S.O.S. On-Track Emergency Phone: 900 249 100

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Regulation in

The International Ski Federation (FIS), founded in 1924 and affiliated with 54 federations, approved FIS standards in 2002. An ideal model of behavior for skiers, snowboarders or any other who glide through the snow, whose goal is to avoid accidents

  1. Respect for others

A skier or snowboarder must behave in such a way that he does not endanger or prejudice others.

  1. Control of speed and skiing or snowboarding

A skier or snowboarder must move in control. He must adapt his speed and manner of skiing or snowboarding to his personal ability and to the prevailing conditions of terrain, snow and weather as well as to the density of traffic.

  1. Choice of route

A skier or snowboarder coming from behind must choose his route in such a way that he does not endanger skiers or snowboarders ahead.

  1. Overtaking

A skier or snowboarder may overtake another skier or snowboarder above or below and to the right or to the left provided that he leaves enough space for the overtaken skier or snowboarder to make any voluntary or involuntary movement.

  1. Entering, starting and moving upwards

A skier or snowboarder entering a marked run, starting again after stopping or moving upwards on the slopes must look up and down the slopes that he can do so without endangering himself or others.

  1. Stopping on the piste

Unless absolutely necessary, a skier or snowboarder must avoid stopping on the piste in narrow places or where visibility is restricted. After a fall in such a place, a skier or snowboarder must move clear of the piste as soon as possible.

  1. Climbing and descending on foot

A skier or snowboarder either climbing or descending on foot must keep to the side of the piste.

  1. Respect for signs and markings

A skier or snowboarder must respect all signs and markings.

  1. Assistance

At accidents, every skier or snowboarder is duty bound to assist.

  1. Identification

Every skier or snowboarder and witness, whether a responsible party or not, must exchange names and addresses following an accident.

Skiing and snowboarding, like all sports, involve risks. The FIS rules concern all skiers and snowboarders, who must know and respect them.
Whoever causes an accident because he has violated the Rules may be liable civilly or criminally.

  1. The skier and snowboarder are responsible not only for their own conduct, but also for their defective material. This also applies to newly developed materials.
  2. Collisions are often the result of excessive speed, uncontrolled behavior, or insufficient observation of circulation on the track. The skier and snowboarder should be able to stand, turn or move within their field of view. It should be circulated slowly in saturated areas or places where visibility is reduced and especially in grade changes, at the end of the slopes and in the accesses to the ski lifts.
  3. Skiing and snowboarding are free-evolving sports where everyone can go wherever they see fit in with the rules and taking into account their personal ability and the dominant conditions on the mountain.
    The skier or snowboarder in front takes precedence. The skier or snowboarder coming from behind another in the same direction must maintain a sufficient distance between him and the other skier or snowboarder so that he leaves the one who precedes enough space to move freely.
  4. A skier or snowboarder who overtakes another is completely responsible until the manoeuvre is finished so that it does not cause any difficulty to the skier or snowboarder advanced. This rule applies even when overtaking a skier or snowboarder standing.
  5. Experience proves that entering a track or resuming the descent after a stop can cause accidents. It is therefore absolutely essential that a skier or snowboarder in this situation enters the track without causing obstructions and without danger to him or the others.
    When a skier or snowboarder is on the move - albeit slowly - he benefits again from the privilege provided for in Standard 3 in relation to the fastest skiers and snowboarders coming from above or from behind.
    The development of carving skis and snowboards allows those who use them to execute turns up the slopes. In this case, users move in the opposite direction to the overall descent movement. It is therefore obliged that they ensure in time by an upward examination that they can do so without causing danger to themselves or others.
  6. Except for wide tracks, stops should be made at the edges of the track. It should not stand in tight places or where it is difficult to be seen from above.
  7. Moving around the general circulation puts disturbing and unpredictable obstacles to skiers and snowboarders.
    Deep footprints made by the feet damage the piste and are dangerous for skiers or snowboarders.
  8. The tracks are marked according to their degree of decreasing difficulty in black, red, blue and green. The skier or snowboarder is free to choose your piste.
    The tracks are also equipped with other signals that show the direction and warn of danger or closure. These signals must be respected imperatively for the benefit of skiers and snowboarders.
  9. Attendance at a skier or snowboarder in danger is an obligation of sporting morality when not a legal obligation. It consists of providing first aid to the injured person, informing the rescue service and signaling the crash site to alert other skiers and snowboarders.
    The FIS expects that the crime of skiing or snowboarding escape will be criminally punished as the crime of road escape in all countries where the legislation no longer provides for it.
  10. Witness relationships are of great importance in drafting a complete and successful accident report. Everyone must fulfill this moral duty as a responsible person and report as a witness.
    Reports from rescue services and police as well as photos greatly help determine any responsibilities.

Call us if you find yourself in trouble

In case of emergencies on the Sierra Nevada tracks call +34 958 24 91 00 or emergency phone 112. We're here to help you.



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