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42,5 Km
Generado el 3/7/2025 a las 9:11 AM
Sierra Nevada is waiting for you a very powerful snowpark. In the area of the Loma de Dílar you can enjoy the Superpark Sulayr,a dream space for snowboarders and freestyle skiers. And always with maximum security, since the specialized staff is responsible daily to monitor all jumps and railing modules so that there is maximum emotion, but with the minimum risk.
Here, more than anywhere, follow the motto of Sierra Nevada:"Use your head, put on your helmet."
Many centuries ago, when the Arabs first contemplated Sierra Nevada, they named it Monte Sulayr, the Mount of the Sun. What they could never imagine is that they were also christening one of the best parks in Europe.
1. Know your level. Progress starts by training in the basics.
2. Train with others. This allows you to exchange opinions and progress faster.
3. Recognize first, train later. Inspects modules and snow conditions.
4. Use safety material. For example, helmet and back guards.
5. Make a plan. Set your goals and progress step by step to achieve them.
7. Follow the Park Rules. Check that the reception is free before you launch. Get out of the reception areas as quickly as possible. Don't cross the descent line. Stand outside the line to take photos.
8. Respect the Park and others. Respect promotes respect.
9. Helps the injured. It is also important to close the module if there is an accident on the line and notify the Track Service.
10. Identification. Persons involved in an accident or witnesses must exchange addresses before separating.
The person who freely decides to practicefreestyle assumes exclusively the risk that comes with his practice.
These guidelines are in line with those proposed by the International Ski Federation, moreinformation