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Generado el 3/6/2025 a las 4:47 PM
On International Women's Day, the Sierra Nevada ski resort wanted to pay tribute to all those women who contribute with their daily work to make this resort a leading resort. To do so, it has published a video showing the work of women in the ski lifts, activities, catering and customer service departments, among others.
Cetursa Sierra Nevada highlights that 35% of the staff are women, a percentage that reaches 41% in the latest incorporations. In this sense, Cetursa Sierra Nevada works for stable and quality employment, as reflected by the fact that 67% of the latest permanent contracts are for women.
The data show that, despite being a traditionally male sector, women are gradually making their way, representing more than 50% in more than half of the resort's departments, with an upward trend in recent years in the mountain departments and in the most highly qualified positions.
The company guarantees equal pay and equal treatment of men and women in employment and occupation. In this respect, the Equality Commission was set up last year, with equal representation of trade unions and the company, as well as men and women. The second Equality Plan, which includes the relevant measures in favour of equal treatment, equal opportunities and equal access to employment, is currently being finalised.